




科技部專題研究計畫,「台灣在中美貿易摩擦有得到好處嗎? 雙反案例之實證研究」。計畫編號:MOST 111-2410-H-025-029-MY2。執行期間:2022.8.1 ~ 2024.7.31[兩年期計劃]。(計劃主持人)

科技部專題研究計畫,「台商中國大陸子公司受反傾銷控訴之實證分析」。計畫編號:MOST 110-2410-H-025-026。執行期間:2021.8.1 ~ 2022.7.31。(計劃主持人)

科技部專題研究計畫,「反傾銷政策之貿易效果:台灣之實證分析」。計畫編號:MOST 109-2410-H-025-022 。執行期間:2020.8.1 ~ 2021.7.31。(計劃主持人)

科技部專題研究計畫,「反傾銷政策、出口與對外直接投資:台灣之實證分析」。計畫編號:MOST 108-2410-H-025-002。執行期間:2019.8.1 ~ 2020.7.31。(計劃主持人)

科技部專題研究計畫,「台灣廠商被控訴反傾銷之生產效率評估」。計畫編號:MOST 106-2410-H-025-029。執行期間:2017.8.1 ~ 2018.7.31。(計劃主持人)

科技部專題研究計畫,「台灣廠商躍過反傾銷稅直接投資之實證分析」。計畫編號:MOST 105-2410-H-025-025。執行期間:2016.8.1 ~ 2017.7.31。(計劃主持人)

科技部專題研究計畫,「躍過反傾銷稅直接投資與匯率波動:實質選擇權分析法」。計畫編號:MOST 103-2410-H-025-001。執行期間:2014.8.1 ~ 2015.7.31。(計劃主持人)

國科會專題研究計畫,「匯率波動、海外直接投資與國內研發支出 」。計畫編號:NSC 101-2410-H- 004-025。執行期間:2012.8.1 ~ 2013.7.31。(共同主持人)

國科會專題研究計畫,「反傾銷政策效果之再探討」。計畫編號:NSC 100-2410-H-025-018-MY2 。執行期間:2011.8.1 ~ 2013.7.31[兩年期計劃]。(計劃主持人)

國科會專題研究計畫,「傾銷與反傾銷保護對台灣廠商生產效率之影響」。計畫編號:NSC 99-2410-H-343-008。執行期間:2010.8.1 ~ 2011.7.31。(計劃主持人)

國科會專題研究計畫,「匯率不確定性與海外直接投資時機之選擇:實質選擇權賽局理論之應用與台灣廠商之實證」。計畫編號:NSC 99-2410-H-004-047。執行期間:2010.8.1 ~ 2011.7.31。(共同主持人)

國科會專題研究計畫,「加工貿易政策、當地化程度與產業空洞化:以台商至中國投資為例」。計畫編號:NSC 98-2410-H-343-013。執行期間:2009.8.1 ~ 2010.7.31。(計劃主持人)

國科會專題研究計畫,「反傾銷政策與廠商利潤:台灣之實證分析」。計畫編號:NSC 97-2410-H-343-002。執行期間:2008.8.1 ~ 2009.7.31。(計劃主持人)

國科會專題研究計畫,「匯率波動、匯率轉嫁與傾銷:理論及實證」。計畫編號:NSC 96-2415-H-343-007。執行期間:2007.6.1 ~ 2008.7.31。(計劃主持人)

大專生專題研究計畫,「匯率波動對股價影響之個案分析:不同外銷比率的考量」。計畫編號:NSC 96-2815-C-343-016-H。執行期間:2007.7.1 ~ 2008.2.28。(指導老師)




林家慶與楊維娟,2025,〈台灣在中美貿易摩擦有得到好處嗎? 雙反案例之實證研究〉,《經濟論文叢刊》,53(1),1-33。MOST 111-2410-H-025-029-MY2[TSSCI]

林家慶與楊維娟,2024,〈台灣反傾銷貿易效果之實證分析:產品品質重要嗎?〉,《經濟論文》,52(4),359-397MOST 109-2410-H-025-022[TSSCI]

林家慶,2022,〈反傾銷政策、出口與對外直接投資:台灣之實證分析〉,《經濟論文》,50(3),325-356。(MOST 108-2410-H-025-002[TSSCI]

Lin, Chia-Ching and Kun-Ming Chen, 2022. “Market competition, exchange rate uncertainty, and foreign direct investment,” Review of Development Economics, 26(1), 405-422. [SSCI]

林家慶,2019,〈台灣廠商躍過反傾銷稅直接投資之實證分析〉,《經濟論文》,47(4),651-679。(MOST 105-2410-H-025-025[TSSCI]

林家慶與陳坤銘,2017,〈躍過反傾銷稅直接投資與匯率波動:實質選擇權分析法〉,《經濟論文》,45(4),599-628。(MOST 103-2410-H-025-001[TSSCI]

林家慶,2017,〈反傾銷保護可改善臺灣提控廠商技術效率?〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,29(3),453-483。(NSC 99-2410-H-343-008[TSSCI]

林家慶與林昱君,2017,〈臺商被美國提控反傾銷之實證分析:中國大陸第三國效果存在嗎?〉,《臺灣經濟預測與政策》,47(2),1-36。(NSC 100-2410-H-025-018-MY2)[TSSCI]

陳坤銘、林家慶、林昱君,2014,〈中國改革加工貿易政策之經濟評估:可計算一般均衡分析〉,《當代港澳研究》 ,42,35-61。

林家慶,2014,〈台灣反傾銷控訴傷害了下游廠商?〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,26(1),103-131。(NSC 100-2410-H-025-018-MY2)[TSSCI]

Lin, Chia-Ching and Yuh-Jiun Lin, 2014. “Operational localization and R&D expenditure: Evidence from investment in China by Taiwanese firms,” Journal of Economics and Management, 10(1), 69-90.(NSC 98-2410-H-343-013)[EconLit]

Lin, Chia-Ching and Kun-Ming Chen, 2013. “The relationship between U.S. antidumping enforcement and exchange rate movements revisited,” Global Journal of Economics, 2(1), 1350002.(NSC 96-2415-H-343-007)[EconLit]

郭永興、林家慶、馬泰成,2013,〈重大自然災害時的市場秩序與公平交易—台灣九二一大地震、日本阪神大地震與東日本大地震的比較研究〉,《公平交易季刊》 ,21(3),69-111。[TSSCI]

林家慶,2012,〈台灣反傾銷控訴效果之實證分析 〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,24(4),469-496。(NSC 97-2410-H-343-002)[TSSCI]

陳坤銘、郭炳伸、林信助、林家慶,2012,〈新台幣實質匯率與產業升級及對外投資關係 〉,《中央銀行季刊》,34(1),3-38。

Chen, Kun-Ming, Chia-Ching Lin, Yi-Jung Lin, 2011. “Cross-Strait Trade Relationship and the Changing Role of Hong Kong,” 《當代港澳研究》,33,27-38。

Lin, Chia-Ching, Kun-Ming Chen, and Hsiu-Hua Rau, 2010. “Exchange rate volatility and the timing of foreign direct investment: market-seeking versus export- substituting,” Review of Development Economics, 14(3), 466-486. [SSCI]

Chen, Kun-Ming, Meng-Chia Tsai, Chia-Ching Lin, and Chaw-Hsia Tu, 2009. “The impact of cross-strait trade liberalization: a computable general equilibrium analysis,” China and World Economy, 17(6), 106-122. [SSCI]

Chen, Kun-Ming, Hsiu-Hua Rau, and Chia-Ching Lin, 2006. “The impact of exchange rate movements on foreign direct investment: market-oriented versus cost-oriented,” The Developing Economies, 44(3
), 269-287. [SSCI]


林家慶林昱君與郭永興,2013,〈中國大陸外貿體制改革與台商營運決策:以出口退稅及加工貿易為例〉,張榮豐 等主編,《「十二五規劃」與中國經濟發展策略演變》,台北:中華經濟研究院(ISBN 978-986-7838-98-8),385-404。(NSC 98-2410-H-343-013)

Chen, Kun-Ming, Ji Chou, and Chia-Ching Lin, 2011. “The impact of trade liberalization across the Taiwan strait: empirical evidence and policy implications”, Chapter 10, in Cal Clark ed., The Changing Dynamics of the Relations among China, Taiwan, and the United States, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (ISBN 978-1-4438-2681-5), 214-239.







林家慶與陳坤銘,2016,「躍過反傾銷稅直接投資與匯率波動:實質選擇權分析法」,台灣經濟學會2016 年年會暨當代經濟議題學術研討會,台灣大學,2016/12/17。


Chen, Kun-Ming, Chia-Ching Lin, and Wei-jen Wen, 2014. “Exchange rate volatility, market competition, and the timing of foreign direct investment,” presented at The 2014 APJAE Symposium on Economic Development in Asia, the 2014 APJAE Symposium Organizing Committee, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Fukuoka, Japan, September 27-28, 2014.


林家慶2013,「 產業損害、反傾銷保護與廠商生產效率:台灣之實證分析」,台灣經濟學會2013 年年會研討會,淡江大學,2013/12/14。


Chen, Kun-Ming, Chia-Ching Lin, and Shu-Fei Yang, 2013. “Exchange rate movements, foreign direct investment, and domestic R&D,” presented at 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, Western Economic Association International, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, March 14-17, 2013.

林家慶2012,「台灣反傾銷控訴傷害了下游廠商?」,台灣經濟學會2012 年年會暨第十三屆全國實證經濟學研討會,國立中央大學,2012/12/152012總體經濟計量模型研討會,中央研究院經濟研究所,2012/11/29-30



Chen, Kun-Ming, Chia-Ching Lin, and Yuh-Jiun Lin, 2011. “Cross-Strait trade relationship and the changing role of Hong Kong”, International conference on Hong Kong’s role in globalization and the Development of China, The Center for Studies of Hong Kong, Macao and Pearl River Delta, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, October 13-15, 2011.


Chen, Kun-Ming, Chia-Ching Lin, and Wei-jen Wen, 2011. “Exchange rate uncertainty, strategic interaction and the timing of foreign direct investment,” presented at 9th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, Western Economic Association International, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, April 26-29, 2011.


Lin, Chia-Ching and Kun-Ming Chen, 2010. “The relationship between U.S. antidumping enforcement and exchange rate movements revisited,” presented at 2010 Taipei International Conference on Growth, Trade and Dynamics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, June 17-18, 2010.

林家慶,2010,「 台灣反傾銷控訴效果之實證分析」,第十一屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會,輔仁大學經濟系,2010/5/22。


Lin, Chia-Ching and Kun-Ming Chen, 2008. “The impact of exchange rate movements on foreign direct investment: are there third country effects?” presented at the 11th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, East Asian Economic Association,  Manila, Philippines, November 15-16, 2008.


Chen, Kun-Ming and Chia-Ching Lin, 2007. “The impact of exchange rate movements on dumping activity: theory and evidence,” presented at Third Annual APEA Conference, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China, July 25-26, 2007.

Wen, Wei-jen, Kun-Ming Chen and Chia-Ching Lin, 2007. “Nonlinear Pricing and Price Leadership in vertically related markets,” presented at the conference of 2007 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, Taipei, July 11-13, 2007.

Tseng, Hui-Kuan, Kun-Ming Chen, and Chia-Ching Lin, 2005. “Does international trade stabilize exchange rate volatility?” presented at the conference of WTO, China, and the Asian Economies III, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, June 25-26, 2005.


Lin, Chia-Ching,2006. Exchange Rate Movements, Foreign Direct Investment and Strategic Trade Policy: A Real Options Approach, Ph. D. dissertation, Department of International Trade, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

